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In School Events 🏫

DWAMSS have successfully delivered workshops within multiple schools across Tayside. These workshops aim to link core science topics, as outlined by Scotland’s Curriculum for excellence, with being a doctor.

Our workshops primarily revolve around a practical skill. Some examples of what we can cover in workshops include:


Getting pupils to manage a patient’s airway all the way up to intubating a patient. Throughout, we will be teaching them about how we use anatomy (biology) and pressures (physics) when managing a patient’s airway, and how poor ventilation can decrease the blood pH (chemistry due to the CO2 build up).


Teaching pupils how to use a stethoscope where we use an anatomy model to illustrate which parts of the lungs we are listening too (biology), and a stethoscope sound effect machine to allow the pupils to hear different lung sounds, which we link to a medical condition: pneumonia (biology), fluid from heart disease (physics), air in the chest cavity due to trauma (physics).


Demonstrating how mathematics is utilised by Doctors by working through patient scenarios and, as a team, working to calculate the correct fluid and medication doses for our different patients. Scenarios can include prescribing antibiotics for a child, calculating how much fluid a patient would need over a day and the rate at which it would be given, and also calculating how much of a medication a patient would require and what would be the minimum amount time the medication could be given.

Our workshops allow pupils to enjoy practical elements of being a Doctor while also finding out more about what being a Doctor means, all the while ensuring to tie the sessions into their school curriculum.  

DWAMSS also has prepared talks for larger audiences, such as during an assembly, which outlines what being a Doctor means and how to get there.

What we offer:

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Chat with a medical student

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In School Events


Virtual Shadowing


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