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You Can Be A Doctor:

Virtual Work Experience

Gaining valuable work experience is essential to your application to medical school, both to give you an idea of the career you'll be entering, as well as understanding the vital skills and attributes of a good doctor. Check out our resources below but please bear in mind that virtual work experience shouldn't replace in-person work experience!

YCBAD Online Virtual Work Experience

Work through our online interactive scenarios with doctors to find out how we manage unwell patients!

Video Diaries: Day in the life of a doctor

Follow a day in the life of doctors in different areas of expertise and learn a bit about each specialty!

DWAMSS Virtual Shadowing

Shadow medical students from 1st to 5th year in this interactive experience produced by DWAMSS.

You Can Be A Doctor: Virtual Work Experience

About the Event

Our virtual work experience is a free interactive online program developed by doctors and medical students in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which made it really difficult to organise work experience in healthcare. 
Our aims are to help you:

  • Learn about how doctors approach dealing with unwell patients. 

  • Gain an understanding of the challenges in medicine

  • See the positives that a career in medicine can bring


To get the most out of the sessions - make sure you take part in the interactive bits and then later reflect on why you think you'd be a good person to be managing these kinds of scenarios in future.


We've designed two sessions for you to work through:

  • Session 1 looks at how to manage a severe form of infection known as sepsis.

  • Session 2 focuses on managing a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

How it works


Register for access via the sign up below. Be sure to check our eligibility criteria before signing up!

Password Access

Once we've verified your eligibility, you'll be emailed the password and a web link to access the modules. 

If you already have a password, click below to enter!

Work through the modules

Be sure to take notes throughout each module. Use our work experience logs as a guide to help you look out for things as you go along! 


Reflect on what you've gained from the sessions! ​

Dont forget to leave us some feedback and check back in future for new modules!

Event Highlights
  • Experience at your own pace: Our online modules can be accessed at anytime once you've registered - this way you can take at your own pace and revisit anything you wanted to see again! 


  • Dealing with sepsis:  Follow our doctors on the journey of reviewing a patient with a form of severe infection known as sepsis, and the steps they take to get the patient better!


  • Managing a myocardial infarction: Observe as our doctors deal with a patient with a myocardial infarction (heart attack). See how they work through symptoms and signs, communicate with the team, and begin treatment!


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  • YouTube

© You Can Be A Doctor 2024

© You Can Be A Doctor is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Charity number SC046620 

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